Customer ratings for Svoemesto Kayfun Lite [plus] SE Nite DLC - 24mm

Svoemesto Kayfun Lite [plus] SE Nite DLC - 24mm
Product no.: SM-275

In stock

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Number of ratings: 4
Average rating: 5
Kayfun Lite Plus 24 DLC
from Lyn Smith on 13/12/2021
Very good MTL RTA and as always great service from Creme De Vape
good improvement over original
from Leon Huchison on 07/10/2021
I've had a couple of early kayfuns, the last being the prime, which is a great vape.
I was pleasantly surprised with this latest version. 24mm is a better size for me and the included clear bell tank is great and is the one I use mostly. I splashed out a bit on the Nite DLC coating as it matched my mods more and I'm glad I did.
Flavour perfect with some kanthal superfine clapton wire, near perfect vape experience. Recommended +++++
The true MTL
from Hussam Al-Baz Alsayed on 30/08/2021
One of the best MTL tanks ever made.
The DLC finish us awesome and goes well with the DLC dani mini.
Perfect and classy combo.
The mtl pro pin gives it the ultimate mtl experience.
Fast Shipping
from James Renton on 16/03/2021
Great Customer service arrived next day. Already have a KFLP in silver and liked it so much decided to pick up another one, so when I seen the Black DLC version for around an extra £20 decided to treat my self. Lovely colour, especially when the light hits it.

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